Skinny McGee and His Mayhem Makers

Skinny McGee and his Mayhem Makers

Thirteen BRAND NEW ALL ORIGINAL TRACKS! We are proud to present our new album for your listening pleasure. We DIY'd this down to even making some of the microphones we used to record it. Mark Hannah did the art and our friend Brandy Lewis did the photo shoot. We did call in the big guns for the mastering process with Deke Dickerson and rounding

Thirteen BRAND NEW ALL ORIGINAL TRACKS! We are proud to present our new album for your listening pleasure. We DIY'd this down to even making some of the microphones we used to record it. Mark Hannah did the art and our friend Brandy Lewis did the photo shoot. We did call in the big guns for the mastering process with Deke Dickerson and rounding off the finishing touches with Chris Jay.

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